From Cricket Fields to Creative Frames: Parth Pradhan's Vibrant Journey into Photography

Thu, 04 Apr 2024

From Cricket Fields to Creative Frames: Parth Pradhan's Vibrant Journey into Photography

Once upon a time in the bustling streets of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, there lived a young lad named Parth Pradhan. His journey wasn't woven from the typical threads of academia or conventional career paths. No, Parth's story is one of passion, a deep-seated love for sports, particularly cricket, and how it led him to the vibrant halls of IIP Academy.

Parth's tale begins on the cricket fields, under the scorching sun, with dreams of donning the UP STATE KIT, a symbol of cricketing prowess. Every swing of the bat, every leap for a catch, was supported by his father's unwavering faith in him. Trials came and went, and while Parth shone among the last 60, destiny had other plans. The UP STATE KIT remained an elusive dream, and with a heavy heart, Parth stepped away from the cricket pitch. The whisper of failure, of being 'nowhere' if not in cricket, loomed large.

But the universe conspires to guide those fueled by passion. Parth's love for cricket found a new avenue - Sports Photography. A chance encounter with IIP on Instagram sparked a new beginning. Enrolling in the dual diploma batch at IIP, Parth embarked on a journey that was about to change his life.

March 11th marked the start of this new chapter. Parth, along with his batchmates Shagun and Nootan Di, dove into discussions about life's memorable days and received pearls of wisdom on photography and success from their mentors, who also shared tales of their early hustles.

As days rolled by, the walls of IIP echoed with the rich history of the 1837 revolt, shared by none other than the author and senior student, Anindith Gowda. The following days were a whirlwind of learning – from the sociology of India with Asif Khan Sir to the fundamentals of photography, lighting techniques, and the magic of manual settings in the studio.

The adventure continued with a visit to the Sahitya Kala Academy for 'Sahityotsav', a cultural immersion that was both inspiring and enlightening. The National War Memorial visit was a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by brave soldiers, etched forever in war paintings.

March 19th brought another practical class, unraveling the mysteries of split and butterfly lighting, enriching Parth's understanding and skills in photography.

Then came March 20th, a day Parth declares as one of the best of his life. Meeting Deepak Havelock, an IIP alumnus and an accomplished underwater photographer, was nothing short of inspiring. Deepak's insights into fine art photography and his guidance in capturing exquisite shots opened a new world of possibilities for Parth.

In narrating his journey, Parth's gratitude shines brightly - for his parents, who let him chase his dreams, for his mentors and friends at IIP who illuminated the path, and for every moment of learning that brought him closer to mastering the art of photography.

Parth Pradhan's story is a testament to the transformative power of following one's passion, a journey from the cricket fields of Kanpur to the creative realms of IIP Academy. It's a tale of resilience, learning, and the pursuit of dreams, a vibrant chapter in the life of a budding sports photographer.