People and Portrait Photography Specialization

IIP’s specialization in People and Portrait Photography introduces photography students towards the fine art of taking pictures of a person/personality or a group of people across various backgrounds/scenarios. Also popularly known as portraiture, this photography style also imparts greater importance on context, the person along with the subject’s underlying mood and emotion which finds an authentic and immediate connect with the audience.
Why People & Portrait Photography Specialization

This style of photography looks the easiest on paper but is a tough mountain to climb. It presents a gamut of constant challenges and requires photographer’s sense, eye for detailing and creativity to achieve the perfection behind beautiful portraits. From monarchs to artists to politicians to social leaders to film stars to entertainers, we have been treated to some of the most candid portraits capturing of human emotions and expressions with a difference.

With the rise of various channels and mediums for promotion across various fields, there has been a constant need for good portrait photographers over the years. From promoting political leaders of repute to well known entertainers, a portrait photographer has a great role to play in shaping these pictures. More so, this style can also be employed for documenting lives and highlighting a gamut of social issues.